Archives: 'September 24th, 2006'


Episode 15 of Upon Further Review!

We try not to take ourselves that seriously to begin with, but we’re definitely just playing around in Episode 15 of Upon Further Review!  In this episode we welcome our guest reviewer, Steve from the Wicked Good Podcast and the Extra Points Fantasy Football Podcast, who joins us in our survey of gaming fun:  first, we take a look at the wild world of online game rentals with our review of Gamefly; second, we’re ready for some football with our take on Yahoo Fantasy Football; and finally, we wander through a pop culture paradise as we review the Nowhere in Mulberry podcast.  As always, we are grateful for your continued support and encouragement, and ask that you spread the word about our show–and pat yourself on the back for being the loyal UFR listener you are!  (As usual, podsafe intro music is provided by Sharif (“You’re My Girl”), outro by David Henderson (“We Gotta Go”).)

Reviewed in this show:


Yahoo Fantasy Football

Nowhere in Mulberry