Archives: 'September 15th, 2006'


Episode 14 of Upon Further Review!

We’re in a musico-cartoonish-scientific mood with the release of Episode 14 of Upon Further Review!  In this episode we thank a few people, and preview our guest reviewer for next week, before moving on to the show proper:  first, we get in touch with our inner rock god with our review of Guitar Center; second, we enter the strange, quirky, and Flash-based world of an athlete with invisible arms and a 70s-era Mexican wrestler with boxing gloves as we review Homestar Runner; and finally, we study the formation of the universe with our review of the meaning of li–er, we mean the Absolute Science podcast.  Thanks for listening, and please continue to send us suggestions for things to review, comments to consider, and opinions to appreciate!  (By the way, that strange squeaking sound you may hear in the background in this episode is our dog Lilo attacking her squeaky fish toy.  We’ve given her a good stern talking-to, though, and the fish will not make a return appearance.  :) )  (As usual, podsafe intro music is provided by Sharif (“You’re My Girl”), outro by David Henderson (“We Gotta Go”) .)

Reviewed in this show:

Guitar Center

Homestar Runner

Absolute Science